The Blog
The universe is not a silent, empty void, but a bustling metropolis teeming with information, constantly humming with a symphony of energy. This energy, invisible to the naked eye, is the language of the universe, a constant stream of quantum messages whispering secrets to every particle, every atom, and every conscious being. These quantum messages come from all galaxies, the stars, and their planets. Every co-creator in every part of the system is emitting quantum messages by just...
Bashar, a 6th dimensional being that channels though Darryl Anka, says that our purpose is to “live and be our passion” as we “experience” this reality. Our soul collects these experiences to bring back to the source. Hence, this is how we evolve and grow. If our everyday life and job is not a reflection of this passionate reality that we all should be living, then most of us will feel stuck. Unfortunately, most of us do feel stuck because...
Are you bound and chained by the ego? You have the power to make your own decisions from your highest self or the super consciousness. Stop letting the ego decide for you. You need it, but you don’t. The ego is the personality of your body, not the divine intelligence of your highest self. The ego is the monkey mind that helps us survive. In order to survive, we must think of many things at once and then act upon those things. Thoughts stream in...
“Everything that has already been thought of, has already been done.” Ani Sophene
Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny.
-Mahatma Gandhi-
This concept is a jewel for all forms of healing. Everything that we think creates our reality, literally. All...
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